11 Ways You Can Learn How to Pray From Nuns and Monks

Do you try to get prayer ‘right’ but often feel like you’re failing? Here are some insights from nuns and monks to help you weave a rhythm of prayer into your life.
Do you try to get prayer ‘right’ but often feel like you’re failing? Here are some insights from nuns and monks to help you weave a rhythm of prayer into your life.
Is it a while since you picked up a Bible? Brother Jonathan from Mucknell Abbey shares how Lectio Divina can release a fresh sense of life and joy in your Bible reading and prayer times.
Do you have questions that get in the way when you're praying? Niggling doubts that whisper: 'Have I got this right?' If so, you're not alone. Even those who might seem 'experts' face these challenges.
Do you get overwhelmed by busy-ness in the run-up to Christmas, and find yourself wanting instead a greater sense of fulfilment? Here are some useful and creative ideas to help you have a calmer, more meaningful, and less stressful Christmas.
When you pray, do you find you become more aware of what's going on within yourself? Michelle Eyre finds some useful ideas and tools in ancient Christian wisdom and modern science, to help you to improve your prayer life.
Do you feel drawn to exploring God in silence? Emma Lowth introduces Listening Prayer, and considers how we can deal with the wanderings of our own mind as we focus on God.
Feel guilty about not praying enough? Or wonder what it means to pray without ceasing? Here are some practical suggestions you can explore from Michelle Eyre, Discovering Prayer's Founder and Director.
Michelle writes about her experience of what it was like to try out being a nun, and what the sisters taught that is beneficial to us all. Michelle Eyre, Founder and Director of Discovering Prayer.
In the first of our 'Retreat Advisor' series we explore what's it like when you go on retreat, by Michelle Eyre, Director of Discovering Prayer.
Ever wanted to go on a retreat, but not known where to start? An insider's guide on where to go and what to do when you get there. By Michelle Eyre and Clare Bryden.