Announcing our six-part...
Discovering Prayer Course
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Deepen your relationship with God through guided audio prayer times

Michelle Eyre is the Founder and Director of Discovering Prayer. She’s had an unusual career – a dancer, a nun, an occupational therapist and a manager. An oblate of the Anglican Community of St Mary the Virgin, Wantage, Michelle has spent over 20 years learning to incorporate some of what she learned when she tried out being a nun into her daily life. She wants to share the treasure she found in community in a way that is accessible to everyone who would like to explore prayer.
'I am excited to hear about Discovering Prayer, which I am convinced is a very exciting project indeed. In my experience it is quite rare to meet someone who is both a real entrepreneur and who is deeply embedded in a pattern of prayer and meditation and I think Discovering Prayer could be a significant development helping to connect many thousands to discover ancient forms of Christian meditation.'
* Disclaimer: Discovering Prayer has been evidenced to help people learn to pray, but we are not claiming to have a hotline to God, nor are we offering perpetual peace – we wish we could! We introduce a number of different methods of prayer, but by no means all. We hope you will enjoy exploring the course.